2021-2022 Catalog

Professional Studies Requirements

Transfer Options

  • Arkansas State University-Jonesboro
    • BS Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management
  • University of Arkansas Fort Smith
    • Bachelor of Applied Science

Program Description

The Associate of Professional Studies (A.P.S.) degree provides a pathway toward an associate degree for students in professional certificate programs of study at SAU Tech. The curriculum provides students with a broad-based educational foundation of general education core requirements, related professional and technical coursework, and a focused area of study. The Professional Studies degree focuses on professional and technical career areas and presents the student with an associate degree which allows some latitude in selection of courses in areas of interest. This degree may also assist persons in the workforce in their efforts toward job progression and career advancement. The student should work with their advisor in planning the completion of this degree and, should they desire the pursuit of a baccalaureate degree, with the four-year institution to which they may plan to transfer.

Degree Plan

General Education (21 hours)

Choose six (6) hours from these courses:

ENGL 1113Composition I


ENGL 1123Composition II


CO 2213Technical Writing


Choose three (3) hours from these courses:

MATH 1023College Algebra


MATH 1063Mathematical Reasoning


MATH 1033Plane Trigonometry


MATH 1525Calculus & Analytic Geometry 1


MATH 2015Calculus & Analytic Geometry 2


Choose six (6) hours from one of these areas for a course that has not already been taken:

ART Choose any course with this prefix

BI Choose any course with this prefix

BIOL Choose any course with this prefix

BSCI Choose any course with this prefix

CHEM Choose any course with this prefix

CH Choose any course with this prefix

ENGL Choose any course with this prefix

GEOG Choose any course with this prefix


HIST Choose any course with this prefix


MUS Choose any course with this prefix

PHIL Choose any course with this prefix

PHSC Choose any course with this prefix

PSCI Choose any course with this prefix


PSYC Choose any course with this prefix


SOC Choose any course with this prefix


THEA Choose any course with this prefix

CJ 1003Introduction to Criminal Justice


ECON 2103Principles of Microeconomics


ECON 2003Principles of Macroeconomics


Institutional Requirements (3 hours)

Choose three (3) hours from these courses:

GSTD 1021Student Success I


GSTD 1031Student Success II


GSTD 1041Student Success III


GSTD 1043Rocket Awareness Orientation


Professional Core (15 hours)

General, Professional, and/or Technical Electives (27 hours)

Total Credit Hours: 60