2021-2022 Catalog

Other Aid Programs

AmeriCorps Education Award. After successfully completing a term of community service, AmeriCorps members who are enrolled in the National Service Trust are eligible to receive an AmeriCorps Education Award. You can use your AmeriCorps Education Award to pay education costs at qualified institutions of higher education, for educational training, or to repay qualified student loans. For more information, call 1.800.833.3722 or visit their website at www.americorps.org.

Employer Tuition Assistance. Many employers sponsor tuition assistance programs. Some companies will pay your tuition bill directly, others will ask you to make the initial payment, reimbursing you after you have received your grades. Contact your company’s Human Resources Department for specific information.

Private Scholarships. Civic groups, professional organizations, foundations, religious organizations, sororities, fraternities, and clubs may offer financial assistance. Research these options on the local, state, and national level. Scholarship searches can be done online; however, you should beware of possible scams, especially if a fee is charged. Most information is available free of charge.

Senior Fee Waiver. Persons 60 years of age or older on the beginning of the term in which the waiver is being requested and who are legal Arkansas residents may receive the senior fee waiver which covers the cost of tuition and mandatory fees for credit courses. Mandatory fees include processing, facility use, activity, technology and security fees. This waiver is awarded as funds are available, is non-refundable, and covers no other costs but those stated above.

Vocational Rehabilitation. Students who have a substantial handicap to employment as a result of a permanent disability may be eligible for tuition, books, and/or other educational assistance through this program. Contact the nearest Arkansas Rehabilitation Services Office for further information. In El Dorado, call 1.870.862.5451.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA is a program designed to provide core, intensive, and training services to youth, adults, and dislocated workers. Training services will be provided to adults and dislocated workers through the voucher system. Information is available from Southwest Arkansas Planning & Development District Inc. Counties served are Calhoun, Columbia, Dallas, Hempstead, Howard, Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Nevada, Ouachita, Sevier, and Union. For more information, call 1.870.837.6910 in Camden.