2021-2022 Student Handbook

Official College Communications

SAU Tech student email is the official means of communication with students.

SAU Tech uses student email for all important communications (financial aid, grades, weather closings, student activities, etc.). An email account is assigned to each student when they apply for admission to the College. Students are expected to check their email frequently. The SAU Tech student email system can be accessed through the MyCollege portal at www.sautech.edu

Students are assigned an email address for official university communication. The email address will be the student’s: LastName+first initial of FirstName+last four digits of student ID@mymail.sautech.edu. The first time a student logs into the account, the student will be prompted to change the password. The new password must have a minimum of 8 characters, at least one capital letter and at least one number.

Username: LastName+first initial of firstname+last four digits of student ID@mymail.sautech.edu Password: Password1 (for first time access of user account).

Example: DoeJ6789@mymail.sautech.edu Password: Password1

For help or additional information, contact Information Technology and Telecommunication Services at itshelpdesk@sautech.edu.