2021-2022 Student Handbook

Withdrawal from a Course

Withdrawing from a course is a serious decision that could have a great impact on a student’s educational opportunities. The step-by-step process for withdrawing from a class after classes begin is as follows:

  1. Complete a Drop Request form with an Academic Advisor or submit a written request to the academic advisor. The written request must include the student’s name, student ID number or Social Security number, formal request to withdraw from the course, signature, and daytime phone number.
  2. The student may be required to obtain the signature of the instructor for the course.
  3. The student must obtain the signature of the Financial Aid department. This requirement applies to ALL students, even if no financial aid was used to pay for the course.
  4. The student must obtain the signature of the Business Office.
  5. The student must pay a $10 Course Change Fee to withdraw from the course. This is the final step to complete the drop process. Failure to pay the fee will result in the drop not being processed with the potential of a failing grade being awarded.

When a class is properly dropped, a grade of “W” will appear on the student’s transcript at the end of the term. Withdrawing from a class may be requested up to the deadline listed in the most current Academic Calendar which is located in MyCollege.

Refunds will be made according to the refund schedule published in the College Catalog.

Students are strongly encouraged to consult with the Financial Aid Office PRIOR to withdrawing from a course to determine implications on financial aid eligibility.

Note: Prior to the Census Day of classes of each semester or term, students dropping a course will be removed entirely from the course and the course will not appear on the student’s transcript.

After the Census Day of classes, students dropping a course before the published deadline will be given a grade of “W” and the grade will appear on the student’s transcript. See the Academic Calendar for appropriate deadline dates.

Students who stop attending a course for 14 consecutive calendar days should be dropped by the instructor for a violation of the campus attendance policy. This drop will result in a “W” being posted on the SAU Tech transcript.