Brightspace is the Learning Management System used for SAU Tech’s online classroom, hybrid courses, and as a supplement within traditional classes.
An online orientation course (Learning Strategies) is required for all first-time online students enrolled in fully online and/or hybrid courses. (Note: Students enrolled in non-credit Environmental Training Academy courses are not required to take Learning Strategies.) The purpose of the Learning Strategies course is to prepare students for the online community that will be experienced throughout the online courses.
Students practice using Brightspace email, discussions board, assignments tool, assessments tool, and other pertinent Brightspace tools. The course has to be completed before the student is given access to his/her other courses. It takes approximately 8 to 10 hours to complete the Learning Strategies course. Learning Strategies is available two weeks before the first day of the semester. The student’s other online courses are available the first day of the semester provided he/she has completed Learning Strategies.
To log in, click on the Brightspace link found on the SAU Tech website or type into the browser.
Enter Username and Password.
The student username is the student’s last name (first letter capitalized), the first letter of the student’s first name (capitalized), and the last four digits of the student ID. The student password is Saut+last four digits of the student’s social security number. The entry fields are case sensitive so it is important to be aware of this.
For example: Ben Franklin, Student ID 123456789, SSN 123-45-1234
Username: FranklinB6789
Password: Saut1234
For example: Ben McFranklin, Student ID 432198765, SSN 123-45-1234
Username: McFranklinB8765
Password: Saut1234
Center for Online Learning SAU Tech Campus
Administration Building, Room 212
Phone: 870.574.4453
For technical assistance, contact the Center for Online Learning, 870.574.4453 or 870.574.4586 or