2024-2025 Catalog

Disclosure Information for Enrolled Student

The following is a list and description of required disclosures and instructions for how to obtain the full disclosure:

  1. Rights under Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
    1. Right to and procedures for inspecting and reviewing student’s education records.
    2. Right to and procedures for requesting amendment of student’s education records student (parent) believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of student’s privacy rights.
    3. Right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in student’s education records.
    4. Right to file a complaint with United States Education Department for alleged school or educational agency failure to comply with FERPA requirement.
    5. Right to the criteria used to determine what constitutes a school official and a legitimate education interest if school’s or educational agency’s policy is to disclose personally identifiable information from student’s education records under Section 99.31 without prior consent.
  2. Direct Loan Deferments for Performed Services
    1. Terms and conditions of determents for:
      1. Service in the Peace Corps.
      2. Service under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973.
      3. Comparable volunteer service for tax-exempt organization of demonstrated effectiveness in the field of community service.
  3. Available Financial Assistance
    1. Description of all available federal, state, local, private, and institutional financial need-based and non-need based assistance programs, and for each program a description of:
      1. Application form and procedures.
      2. Student eligibility requirements.
      3. Selection criteria.
      4. Criteria for determining the amount of a student’s award.
    2. Rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV and other financial aid, including:
      1. Criteria for continued eligibility.
      2. Satisfactory academic progress standards and criteria to reestablish eligibility if student fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress.
      3. Methods and frequency of financial aid disbursements.
      4. Terms of any loans received, sample loan repayment schedules, and the necessity for repaying loans.
      5. General conditions and terms applicable to any employment offered as part of student’s financial aid award.
      6. Exit counseling information required to be provided and to be collected from student borrowers of a Direct Loan or Federal Perkins Loan.
  4. Institutional Information
    1. Cost of attending SAU Tech.
    2. Any applicable refund policy.
    3. Requirements for officially withdrawing from SAU Tech.
    4. Summary of requirements for the return of Title IV grant or loan assistance by withdrawn students.
    5. Information regarding SAU Tech’s academic programs.
    6. Instructional, laboratory, and other physical plant facilities associated with academic programs.
    7. List of the faculty and other instructional personnel.
    8. Entities that accredit, license, or approve SAU Tech and its programs and procedures for reviewing SAU Tech’s accreditation, licensing, or approval documentation.
    9. Description of any special services and facilities for disabled students.
    10. Title and availability of employee(s) responsible for dissemination of institutional and financial assistance disclosure information and how to contact them.
    11. Statement that enrollment in a study abroad program approved for credit may be considered enrollment at SAU Tech for the purpose of applying for Title IV assistance.
  5. Completion/Graduation Rates and Transfer Out Rates
    1. Completion or graduation rate of cohort of certificate or degree-seeking, full-time undergraduates who graduated or completed their program within 150 percent of the normal time for graduation or completion.
      1. Cohort for schools that offer predominately standard terms programs: Group of first-time freshmen who enter fall term and are enrolled as of October 15th or the end of SAU Tech’s drop-add period.
      2. Cohort for all other schools: Group of first-time freshmen who enter between September 1st and August 31st and are enrolled at least 15 days if program is less than or equal to an academic year in length, or 30 days if program is longer than an academic year.

        Note: For cohorts established prior to September 1, 1998, a student is included in the cohort if he/she attended at least one day of class.

      3. Transfer-out rate also required for above described cohorts if SAU Tech’s mission includes providing substantial preparation for students to enroll in another eligible institution.
  6. Campus Security and Fire Safety Report
    1. Statistics for three most recent calendar years concerning the occurrence on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, and public property of following offenses reported to campus security authority or local police:
      1. Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter
      2. Negligent Manslaughter
      3. Sex Offenses (forcible and non-forcible)
      4. Robbery
      5. Aggravated Assault
      6. Burglary
      7. Motor Vehicle Theft
      8. Arson

      Note: Of the crimes that occurred on campus, report must provide the number that took place in dormitories and other student residential facilities.

    2. Statistics in preceding bullet also reported by category of prejudice (i.e. offense manifests evidence that victim was intentionally selected because of victim’s actual or perceived race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability).

      Note: Of the crimes that occurred on campus, report must provide the number that took place in dormitories and other student residential facilities.

    3. Statistics for three or more recent calendar years for any other crime involving bodily injury that:
      1. Occurred on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, and on public property;
      2. Were reported to local police agencies or a campus security authority; and
      3. Manifests evidence that victim intentionally selected because of victim’s actual or perceived race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability.

      Note: Of the crimes that occurred on campus, report must provide the number that took place in dormitories and other student residential facilities.

    4. Statistics for three most recent calendar years concerning the occurrence on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, and on public property of following offenses reported to campus security authority or local police:
      1. Arrests for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession; or
      2. Persons referred for campus disciplinary action for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession.

      Note: Of the crimes that occurred on campus, report must provide the number that took place in dormitories and other student residential facilities.

    5. Policies regarding procedures to report crimes committed on campus criminal actions or other emergencies and institution’s response to such including.
      1. Making timely warnings.
      2. Preparing the disclosure of crime statistics.
      3. Title of person(s) or organizations(s) to whom students or employees should report the occurrence (on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, or on public property) of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible), robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession.
      4. Whether there are any institutional policies or procedures that allow victims or witnesses to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for making timely warnings and for inclusion in crime statistics disclosure, and description of such policies and procedures.
    6. Policies concerning the security of and access to campus facilities.
    7. Policies concerning campus law enforcement including:
      1. Enforcement authority of security personnel and their relationship with state and local police agencies.
      2. Encouragement of the prompt reporting of all crimes to campus and appropriate police agencies.
      3. Procedures, if any, that encourage pastoral counselors and professional counselors (at their discretion) to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the crime statistics disclosure.
      4. Programs (type and frequency) to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and to be responsible for their and others’ security.
      5. Crime prevention programs.
      6. Monitoring and recording through local police agencies of criminal activity at off-campus locations of officially recognized student organizations.
      7. The possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and enforcement of state underage drinking laws.
      8. The possession, use, and sale of illegal drugs and enforcement of federal and state drug laws.
      9. Any drug or alcohol abuse education programs.
      10. Campus programs to prevent sex offenses.
      11. Procedures to follow when a sex offense occurs.
  7. Report on Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data
  8. Report on Completion Graduation Rates and Transfer Out Rates for Student Athletes
  9. Drug and Alcohol Prevention Information

Full disclosure on all the above listed information is available upon request from the Student Services Office located in the Administration Building or by calling 1.870.574.4504 during regular business hours.