2021-2022 Catalog

Workforce Training

Workforce training programs provide a focal point for workforce training in SAU Tech’s four county service area which includes Calhoun, Columbia, Dallas, and Ouachita counties. Activities include but are not limited to:

  1. Developing and providing quality training through special tailored training programs that meet workforce specific needs, at a cost that is fair and reasonable utilizing training grants;
  2. Providing on-site training, and on-campus training, at the times specified by the business and industry to meet the employee’s specific needs;
  3. Assisting the industry in facilitating required training programs to meet ISO9000/QS9000 productivity objectives; and
  4. Providing training to business and industry that will show a return on their investment and an economic return to the community.

For more information on services available through Workforce Training, call 1.870.574.4769.