2021-2022 Student Handbook

Campus Prevention Activities

Student can report potential safety or security hazards by calling SAU Tech Campus Police at 870-818-6353, 870-574-4517, or Student Services at 870-574-4504. SAU Tech Campus Police can escort anyone walking alone on campus any time during weekends, holidays, and summer sessions.

Campus safety and security programs are presented to incoming freshmen in the Student Success Class, to the on-campus residents as part of their regular programming during the year, and to faculty and staff at back to school meetings and various other meetings throughout the year.

Police–Providing for the safety and security of members of SAU Tech’s community and property is the responsibility of the SAU Tech Campus Police. Officers provide protection on campus and will assist in all emergencies. A SAU Tech Campus Police Officer is available to assist with automobile problems and is willing to help students whenever necessary. For traffic regulations, please see Section 5.13, Traffic and Parking Regulations.

Bodily Injury–When injuries occur in classrooms or labs, notify the faculty member in charge. When injuries occur outside the classroom, dial 870-836-1000 or 870-836-2600 to dispatch the Camden ambulance service. SAU Tech’s insurance program does not provide coverage for student accidents and injuries; therefore, injured parties should be prepared to provide proof of personal health insurance.

Fire–In the event of fire on the campus, notify SAU Tech Campus Police at 870-574-4517 or call 870-231-5300 and give the dispatcher the exact location of the fire.

Tornado–Follow emergency instructions posted inside the door of all classrooms.