Health Related Absences
Students that anticipate absences due to a health related issue (ex. planned surgery, known pregnancies) are required to inform faculty of the anticipated absence. Requests for anticipated or planned absences should occur within two weeks of the start of the semester or within two weeks of the student becoming aware of their current situation.
It is the student’s responsibility to report this information to current faculty so that accommodations, if applicable, can be made. Current appropriate documentation from a qualified medical or other licensed professional is to be provided by the student for the absences.
Note *Pregnancy is a protected category under Title IX. See pregnancy policy in its entirety on the consumer information page on SAU Tech’s website.
Students that experience unexpected absences due to circumstances out of their control, (ex. involved in a car accident, mental health issues) that occur during the semester are required to notify faculty within two weeks of the occurrence. Current appropriate documentation from a qualified medical or other licensed professional is to be provided by the student for the absences.
Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered. It is up to each individual instructor as to whether they accept late work from students.
Students who have absences greater than the number listed below may be dropped from the class. Night classes are subject to this same policy.
1 credit - 1 class hour
2 credits - 2 class hours
3 credits - 3 class hours (Technology, 5 class hours)