2022-2023 Student Handbook

To Survive a Building Fire:

Get Down Low and Crawl if There is Smoke – If caught in smoke, get down on the floor and crawl on hands and knees. Cleaner, cooler air can be found near the floor. In very low visibility environments, use hands to feel for a wall then follow it around to an exit door.

Feel Doors Before Opening – Before opening any doors, feel the metal knob. If it is HOT, don’t open the door. If it is cool, brace against the door, open it slightly, and if heat or heavy smoke is present, do not enter and immediately close the door.

Go to the Nearest Exit or Stairway – If sleeping in a building, always survey the location of the nearest two (2) exit doors and routes. If the nearest building exit is blocked by fire, heat, or smoke, go to another exit. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. Elevator shafts may fill with smoke or the power may fail, causing entrapment. Most elevators have features that deactivate the elevator during an alarm. Standing and waiting for an elevator wastes valuable time. Stairway fire doors will keep out fire and smoke-if they are closed-and will protect until get outside. Close as many doors as possible when leaving as this helps to confine the fire.