2024-2025 Catalog

Academic Fresh Start

An undergraduate student may file for academic fresh start if the student has not been enrolled in any college or university (including SAU Tech) for a period of at least three years immediately preceding the intended enrollment at SAU Tech. The student must apply for and declare academic fresh start for credit admission to SAU Tech within the first semester (term) of enrollment or re-enrollment.

The following criteria will apply:

  1. The academic fresh start policy will be limited to credit courses during any contiguous semesters (terms) within a 12-month period.
  2. The student will forfeit the use of all college university credits earned during any declared academic fresh start semester (term).
  3. The notation “Academic Fresh Start (date)” will be noted on the student’s permanent record for each declared academic fresh start semester (term).
  4. The credits will appear on the student’s permanent record, but no courses in any declared academic bankrupt semester (term) will be used in computing the student’s GPA.
  5. The Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy shall apply to all courses previously attempted, regardless of academic fresh start.
  6. Policies related to academic fresh start pertain only to SAU Tech and may not be honored by other universities.
  7. In regard to academic honors, all semesters (terms), including any semester (term) of declared academic fresh start will be included in the computation of the student’s GPA.
  8. A declaration of academic fresh start may be exercised once in a student’s academic career, and the declaration is final and irreversible.
  9. A student who declares academic fresh start will be subject to all SAU Tech policies.

To request academic fresh start, a student must submit a Petition for Academic Fresh Start and all transcripts of prior college (university) work to the Vice Chancellor for Academics at the time of application for admission or readmission to SAU Tech or within the first semester (term) of enrollment or re-enrollment. After reviewing all records to determine that the student has met the three-year period, the Vice Chancellor for Academics will determine eligibility for clemency.

This policy became effective fall 1992 semester and will not be retroactive for currently enrolled students.