2024-2025 Catalog

Grading Symbols

A Excellent
B Good
C Average
D Lowest passing grade (some institutions may not accept as transfer credit)
F Failing
W Withdrawal (no credit)
WP Withdrawal with passing grade (no credit)
WN Withdrawal for excessive absence (no credit)
WF Withdrawal with failing grade (no credit)
I Incomplete
AU Audit (no credit)
P Passing
NC No Credit

Grade Point Average (GPA) – The grade point average (GPA) at SAU Tech is calculated as outlined below:

  1. To determine the grade points earned in each course, multiply the number of quality points for the assigned letter grade by the number of credit hours for the course.

    A = 4 quality points

    B = 3 quality points

    C = 2 quality points

    D = 1 quality point

    F = 0 quality points

    I, W, WP, WN, WF, and AU are not considered in determining GPA.

  2. Add these grade points to arrive at the total grade points earned during a semester.
  3. Divide this grade point total by the total number of credit hours pursued that semester. The cumulative GPA is calculated the same way as the GPA for each term except that all of the student’s course work (excluding developmental) is taken into account.

Incomplete Grades – A grade of Incomplete (I) will be issued only when a student has been unable, because of illness or other circumstances beyond his/her control, to finish assigned class work or papers or take the final examination. In order to receive a grade of “I,” a student must make arrangements with the Instructor. The student and the faculty member must sign an Incomplete Grade Contract form. The student and faculty member will receive a copy and the original will be placed on file in the appropriate department chair office along with a copy of the final grade roster. A grade of “I” not made up within eight weeks after the beginning of the following semester will automatically become an “F.” Any additional extension of time requires approval by the Vice Chancellor for Academics. An “I” or Incomplete is not given in Internet courses. However, a two-week extension to complete work in Internet courses may be granted for extenuating circumstances by the Vice Chancellor for Academics.