2024-2025 Catalog

Academic Probation and Suspension

To be in good academic standing, students must maintain the following standards:

Hours Attempted 1-29 Required Cumulative GPA 1.50
Hours Attempted 30 + Required Cumulative GPA 2.00

A student who does not earn the required cumulative GPA according to the number of semester hours attempted will be placed on academic probation. A student who has been placed on academic probation will have until the end of the next regular semester to show significant improvement in grades or be suspended from SAU Tech. The student will be placed on an Academic Success Plan and be required to meet all of the requirements of the plan as well as make significant improvement defined as follows:

Total Hours Attempted 1-29 GPA Earned in Probationary Semester 1.75
Total Hours Attempted 30 + GPA Earned in Probationary Semester 2.00

If a student has been suspended for academic reasons, the student will not be allowed to register for classes or attend SAU Tech for one full semester, excluding summer terms. A student may petition for one semester of guided enrollment rather than being suspended. A student who believes that there are extenuating circumstances which justify early readmission may submit a written appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Student Services at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester for which readmission is sought. After one semester, the student may return to SAU Tech on a probationary status. The student must make significant improvement and meet the standards defined in the probationary section above. If improvement does not occur, the student will be suspended for one year from the date of the second suspension. After one year, the student may seek readmission on probation with guided enrollment. Failure to earn at least 2.00 GPA during the returning semester may result in academic dismissal.