2024-2025 Catalog

Portfolio Assessment

Learning portfolios are used to assess a student’s level of knowledge when all other methods of CPL have been exhausted. A learning portfolio consists of:

  1. A learning narrative that documents how an individual has met the learning outcomes for a single course;
  2. Supporting materials that provide examples of the stated learning; and
  3. An updated resume.

The contents of a learning portfolio have been accrued through the student’s non-credit learning experiences such as documented community service; work experience/training; professional organization training; military experience; professional certifications; community extension courses; adult education courses; seminars and workshops; and in-service training/instruction.


Steps for Pursuing Credit through Portfolio Assessment

  1. Using the college catalog and degree requirements, determine the course(s) for which you feel you have the relevant, equivalent college-level experience/knowledge.
  2. Meet with the academic advisor for the appropriate degree program to request credit. The academic advisor will make an initial review of the possible granting of credit through the portfolio process.
  3. If initial review indicates possible granting of credit, the academic advisor will recommend to the Vice Chancellor for Academics that the student enroll in GS 1021 Portfolio Development. Upon the Vice Chancellor for Academics approval, the student will register for GS 1021 Portfolio Development. During the portfolio course the student will establish accompanying documentation and written evidence supporting the student’s claim of prior learning. If deemed necessary, the advisor may request that appropriate faculty interview or conduct evaluations (including exams) when additional documentation is needed to substantiate the request. Documentation of prior learning may include certificates of workshop/seminar completion, letters from supervisors, and any other verifiable information sources that substantiate claims made for CPL. The academic advisor will appraise the prior learning and determine the number of credits to be granted for a specific course equivalency.
  4. At the conclusion of the semester in which CPL was requested and the Portfolio Development course is completed, the academic advisor will complete a Course Substitution form noting the portfolio credit and equivalent SAU Tech course credit awarded. The form will be forwarded to the Vice Chancellor for Academics for approval. The portfolio documentation and approved Course Substitution form will be forwarded to the Registrar to be placed in the student’s permanent academic file. The credit will be recorded on the student transcript and noted on the official degree plan. (Exception for Aviation: Credits are escrowed and placed on transcript at the completion of remaining A.A.S. degree requirements.)

Subsequent requests for portfolio credit must follow the same process as noted above, including enrollment and completion of GS 1021 Portfolio Development. The Portfolio Development course will add an additional credit hour requirement to a student’s degree plan each time it is taken for portfolio credit.